From version Byteshooter V3.15 you must install new
drivers for FTDI. With the old drivers and version V3.15
or higher the byteshooter donīt work. Please deinstall
the old drivers before you install the new one.Before
you start to install the new driver, please disconnect
the Byteshooter !!!
Remove the old driver with:
Install the new driver with:
Please follow this steps for installation:
BEFORE you start to install, please disconnect ALL
devices on USB.
Close the Byteshooter programm.
Start setup with doubleclick on CDM20802.
Installation needs only few seconds - ready.
Then start Byteshooter programm and connect USB to
Hardware Byteshooter will be found by automatic. Maybe
you must disconnect USB again and close the Byteshooter
programm. After this all shell work. |